
This open manual is student-created as part of EDUC 500, Research Methodology in Education. It has been conceived to meaningfully contribute student work to the field, and to avoid the disposable assignment. Each topic is researched, synthesized and critique by a student triad on a weekly basis. Details of the assignment that results in this manual are as follows:

Assignment 5: Triad Topic Synthesis (30%) – Creating an Open Research Methodologies Manual (

Triad Topic Synthesis: (15%x 2 synthesis and presentation. NB. Your triad’s peer reviews in SPLOT and/or in class will also be considered in the evaluation of this assignment)

Each of you will be assigned to a triad. You will work in triads to cover a topic (sign up will occur on first class Jan 7). You will use 2-3 sources to cover your topic, using the UBC library, class text, and/or course reserves. You will also select a research article (preferably one that you need to cover as part of a literature review) and do an article critique that is relevant to the research methodology or methods discussed. You may also be asked to answer key questions from the class about the topic.

Note: this assignment is more than a summary of a topic. It is expected that you will compare and contrast your sources, and provide a synthesis of the topic.

Use these headings (where appropriate) in SPLOT.

  • Provide a brief introduction to the topic
  • Provide an overview of the elements of the topic
  • Compare and contrast how 2-3 different sources treat the topic.
  • Synthesize the topic- what can you say about the topic that considers your sources?
  • Considerations for the method
  • If topic requires a research article critique/discussion, include a brief (approx. 1 page) description of methodological strengths and weaknesses.


To summarize, this is a weekly 3 step process:

  1. Assigned topic triad: Uses 2-3 sources to synthesize the topic, posts it in SPLOT prior to the class. Triad presents their synthesis in class on their assigned date and leads discussion on the topic.
  2. Peer triad groups: When you are not scheduled to present your triad topic, you will have an active role in preparing to be a peer reviewer. In advance of the weekly topic, you will read and summarize a chapter on the topic (using class text or other resources). Once the topic has been presented, your triad will have class time to add to the topic on the SPLOT website.
  3. Assigned topic triad: accepts or rejects the peer feedback and makes necessary edits to SPLOT. You should be prepared to justify your decisions. Final edit to SPLOT to be completed by following class.